+32 496 57 38 59 info@pnce.be

Personal Coaching

Helping you to step out of your comfort zone!

The personal coaching module is a personal development program spread over 6 weeks.
Besides a comprehensive view on your strengths, development points and blind spots, applied to concrete situations from your daily reality, you learn how to make your own communication more efficient. With this as a starting point, together we draw up a personal action plan which you can start using right away. 


After completing the module you will have:
– comprehensive insight into yourself and in others
– a comprehensive view on your 
strengths and development points
– a more effective own communication
– a personal action plan
– laid the foundation for further personal guidance “on the go”.


Participants complete an online questionnaire with 25 multiple choice questions. Based on this, your own Personal Profile is drawn up, which we discuss in detail together and which forms the basis for the workshop effective communication.

Coaching sessions are online or on location

Lead coach: Filip Coolen

Book an introductory session or contact us by e-mail or phone for more information!

Out best advice?

Give yourself a chance and stand out!