+32 496 57 38 59 info@pnce.be

Management Program

Unlocking leadership and personal flair within your management team!

The management module is a development program spread over 12 weeks aimed at providing specific tools and competences to both the manager and the team. It starts with a focus on the manager on how to lead effectively, cascade objectives and engage employees. After clarifying the context, overall objectives and personal ambitions of the manager, we engage in a journey focussed on increasing self-awareness, discussing strengths, development points and blind spots of the manager and build a plan to maximise personal impact and satisfaction. Then, together, we draw up the plan to develop the team and deliver on the set objectives. From this point onwards, the manager takes the lead with regular follow-up, coaching and concrete advice. Focussed sessions with the team are part of the journey, when and when required.



After completing the module the manager will have:
increased his self-knowledge  
 a better understanding and interaction with his team 
build up the skills
to successfully meet set challenges 
increased the team effectiveness
a personal and team development / action plan
– a clear view on “required” versus “available” competences
The team will have went through a reflection individually as well as a team, on personal ambitions, his/her role and responsibilities within the team and a clear development plan, fully embedded within the team’s plan. 


During the intake session with senior management, we discuss the specific context of the team, expectations and team dynamics. Then we first engage with the manager completing an online questionnaire with 25 multiple choice questions. Based on this, his/her own Personal Profile is drawn up, which we discuss in detail together and which forms the basis for the remainder of the program with the team. Each team member receives a personal profile as well, which is discussed individually (strengths, weaknesses, blind stops) and in group (differences of profiles within one group and how this interacts). During the entire program the manager receives tailored advice and has a personal sounding board at his disposal, maximising the benefits of the program. Individual team members can receive personalized coaching and/or feedback as well, which is to be discussed as part of the overall program and objectives. 

Lead coach: Filip Coolen

Book an introductory session or contact us by email or phone for more information!


Out best advice?

Give yourself a chance and stand out!