+32 496 57 38 59 info@pnce.be

Executive Coaching

Helping you exploit your full potential!

The executive coaching module is an extensive leadership program spread over 12 to 16 weeks, based on positive psychology. It starts from your professional objective and context as well as from your own interests, passions and frustrations. During the intake interview we confirm the personal fit on both sides, we focus on the coaching question and identify the critical focus areas. We are your personal advisor, executive coach and sounding board. We combine our own leadership experience with insights on your personality as well as relevant literature and unbridled inspiration. 

After completing the module you will have:

  • a better understanding of and interaction with others
  • increased your strength and self-confidence
  • build up the skills to successfully meet your challenges
  • a clearly structured professional and personal development plan 
  • laid the foundation to excel professionally and personally. 


A typical coaching program starts with a half-day – in person – session, followed by a 2-hour session two weeks later to refine the action plan. The subsequent process is defined together depending on the coaching need and demand.

Our promise is to stretch you, help you build new capabilities, and act as mirror, sounding board and advisor along the way.

Lead coach: Filip Coolen

Book an introductory session or contact us by e-mail or phone for more information!

Our best advice?

Give yourself a chance and stand out!